Norwegian Forest Cat vs European Burmese - Breed Comparison

Norwegian Forest Cat vs European Burmese - Breed ComparisonNorwegian Forest Cat is originated from Norway but European Burmese is originated from Myanmar. Both Norwegian Forest Cat and European Burmese are having almost same weight. Both Norwegian Forest Cat and European Burmese has almost same life span. Both Norwegian Forest Cat and European Burmese has same litter size. Norwegian Forest Cat requires Moderate maintenance. But European Burmese requires Low maintenance


norwegian forest cat - historyThe beautiful Norwegian Forest cat has a thick fur to survive the snow and icy weather in Norway. It is the official cat of Norway.

It originated in Northern Europe. It is believed that the cat was brought to Norway from Great Britain way back in the time of the Vikings. It is also believed that it reproduced with farm cats and has become the modern-day Norwegian Forest breed.

They were discovered in the early twentieth century by cat enthusiasts and in 1938 an organization was established devoted to this breed.

Also, a club was started for the cat in Oslo so as to preserve the breed. The 2nd World War saw the cat all but disappear but a breeding program was started. It was registered in Europe by the 1970s, and in 1994 by the American Cat Fanciers Association and others.

european burmese - historyThe European Burmese was developed in the 1960s when they were imported to England by British breeders.

They were then crossed with red-point Siamese as well as British Shorthairs to expand the gene pool and number of coat colors.

In 1994, the cat was recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association and later by the Canadian Cat Association as well as the Cat Fanciers Federation and others as well.

Basic Information

Weight Male:
3 - 9 kg
6 - 20 pounds
3 - 5 kg
6 - 12 pounds
Weight Female:
3 - 9 kg
6 - 20 pounds
3 - 5 kg
6 - 12 pounds
Life Span:
14 - 16 Years
10 - 17 Years
Litter Size:
2 - 6
2 - 6
Other Names:
Wegie, Gentle Giant
Foreign Burmese
Colors Available:
Many colors and patterns
etc, Many colors - white, brown, red, cream, blue
Thick and long haired
Short and glossy
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Responsive, Social, Territorial
Affectionate, Alert, Cheerful, Curious, Docile, Energetic, Friendly, Gentle, Independent, Intelligent, Lively, Loving, Loyal, Outgoing, Playful, Quiet, Social, Territorial
Moderate maintenance
Low maintenance
Kids Friendly:
New Owners Friendly:


norwegian forest cat kitten - descriptionThis domestic cat is a natural breed with a thick coat of long water-resistant fur and a woolly undercoat. The coat can be in many colors and patterns.

This is a big, strong, heavy boned cat with a bushy tail and long legs. It’s larger than your regular cat and can weigh anything between 3 and 9kg. The eyes are almond-shaped and can be any color while the large ears are high set.


In spite of this being a large cat, they are energetic and yet they don’t like being around boisterous, energetic pets. They are friendly, calm, gentle, and intelligent and enjoy being part of a human family.

They tend to be a bit reserved around strangers. It’s not a demanding cat and can entertain himself with his toys.

european burmese kitten - descriptionYour beautiful European Burmese cat is a small to medium-sized cat and both males and females will weigh between 3 and 5kg.

The cat’s coat is short and glossy and it comes in a number of different colors such as white, brown, cream, blue, red and tortoisehell.The cat has large, expressive eyes that are a yellow or amber shade.

Your European Burmese has a silky short coat and the coat will also only need to be brushed once a week to keep it in tip-top condition.


The European Burmese is a very affectionate, loyal ad intelligent cat, loving the companionhip they share with their human family.

They’re a great pet for families as they’re active and playful. They are also a cat breed that likes to bond with one particular family member more than others.

They’re also inclined to be lap cats, grabbing each opportunity to be stroked and petted. They will also be quite willing to become friends with other pets in the home and don’t like to be left alone for a long time.

They like having other pets around to keep them company and can become withdrawn if constantly left on their own.


norwegian forest cat cat - characteristicsRemember that your large Norwegian Forest cat likes to scratch so you want to provide him with a scratching post. He is so companionable, you want to reward him by ensuring you make his life as easy as possible.

Known as a gentle giant, the beautiful and undemanding Norwegian Forest cat will appreciate a calm household where he can quietly enjoy the companionship of the humans he loves.

european burmese cat - characteristicsYour European Burmese has a sweet disposition and it is a loving, companionable cat. They enjoy the company of their human owners as well as other pets.

They can be quite vocal too and they don’t like being left alone. If you work all day, it will be a good idea to have another pet as a companion for the European Burmese.

The European Burmese loves to play and is a fun-loving, active, social cat. While they love their human family, they may not make the greatest pet for an inactive, single person as these cats actually seek out companionship.

A person unable to involve themselves with this cat, may well find it becoming depressed. These are cats that require a lot of interaction and attention, craving the attention of their human families.

Health Problems

norwegian forest cat kittens - health problemsThe lifespan of this big, longhaired cat is usually 14 to 16 years, but you need to check out kidney and heart disease with this particular breed as well as patellar luxation.

You don’t want your cat having problems with the knee cap as this takes away from his ability to leap, pounce and crouch. It’s when the patella or kneecap is out of place. There may not necessarily be pain for your pet and in fact, your cat may not show any signs of abnormality till the condition has become quite advanced.

Your cat can actually become lame. You want to avoid this with the Norwegian as it's a particularly good climber.

european burmese kittens - health problemsThe European Burmese is a fairly healthy cat and is unlikely to cost you a lot in terms of vets fees.

Just like with other cats, some of the common cat illnesses include developing diabetes mellitus. There have been some of these cats that ave been known to suffer from Feline Orofacial Pain Syndrome (FOPS).

It is a disease related to the teeth. Teeth problems are a common ailment with cats. With this particular problem, there is an unusual amount of pain when the cat's adult teeth begin to emerge. Your cat will be displaying a lot of licking and chewing motions. The symptoms do however go away once the adult teeth come in.

The cat will in all likelihood need to see the vet for pain medication and other treatments such as a potassium supplement.

Caring The Pet

norwegian forest cat cats - caringThe Norwegian has a long coat so you will need to brush it at least twice a week to keep it nice and shiny and free from tangles.

Trim your Norwegian forest cat’s claws. You will need a special nail clipper, but if you're nervous to cut the nails yourself, your vet or pet groomers can do it for you.

Cats battle quite a bit with periodontal disease and an excellent diet can help to prevent this. Cats hate you sticking a toothbrush into their mouths – they can become terrified - and it would b kinder to simply have your cat’s teeth checked out at the vet when you suspect that something might be wrong. At the same time, you can ask to have the inside of your cat’s ears checked for dirt and infection.

Keep your cat’s litter box spotlessly clean. These cats dislike a dirty litter box intensely. Remove all feces every single day – more often even if possible.

One good way to select the best food for your cat is to read the ingredients. The first two ingredients listed on the package should always be meat. Select a high-quality cat food. Keeping Norwegian Forest cats in good health requires high-quality cat food to meet all of your Norwegian forest cat’s nutritional needs.

You can feed your Norwegian Forest cat two meals per day. Always check with your veterinarian for a recommendation on how much and what to feed your cat.

Provide a constant supply of fresh, clean water for your Norwegian Forest cat.The bowl should be in an easy place for your cat to reach and in the shade.

Provide your Norwegian with a soft bed in a quiet, restful place.

european burmese cats - caringBecause the European Burmese is a very affectionate, loyal cat, and because they thrive on the companionship of their human family, you owe it to him to provide him with consistent companionship. They are friendly cats and will be amicable to visitors to the home too.

Scratching is a natural behavior of pets so instead of becoming angry with your cat when he scratches on your furniture, provide him with a scratching post.

You can also learn how to carefully clip your cat's nails, otherwise a professional cat groomer can do it for you.

It’s not always easy keeping a cat indoors and that is why neutering or spaying becomes important to avoid unwanted kittens. It makes your European Burmese a more balanced cat and it has a host of health benefits too.

It can’t be stressed enough how important good food is for the health of people and animals. The European Burmese needs top quality food high in proteins and meat to remain healthy.

If you feed your cat human food or food high in carbs, expect to spend a lot on vet fees.

Make sure your pet enjoys his food but that it is also nutritious and in the right portions to avoid obesity.

Kittens will eat 4 bowls of food a day and then progress to 2 bowls of food after the cat turns one year of age.

Comparison with other breeds

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  26. European Burmese vs Abyssinian - Breed Comparison
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